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- Antibiotic Resistance of MRSA lesson
- Secondary Science Method Course
- Okhee Lee Foreword
- Lyon, E.G., Stoddart, T., Solis, J., Tolbert, S., Bunch, G. C., Roth, B., et al. Teaching English Learners through Science-Language Integration: Linking a Conceptual Framework to Secondary Teacher Preparation (April, 2016). Proceedings of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Baltimore, MD.
- Solis, J., Lyon, E. G., & Hill, J. Observations of Preservice Secondary Science Methods Courses Addressing English Learners. (January 2016). Presented at the annual meeting of the Association for Science Teacher Education. Reno, NV. 2015
- Lyon, E.G., Tolbert, S., Roth, W., & Hill, J. (February, 2015). Preparing Secondary Pre-service Science Teacher to Teach English Learners. Presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Teacher Educators. Phoenix, AZ.
- Lyon, E.G., Tolbert, S., Solis, J., & Stoddart, T. (April, 2015). Conceptualizing a Core Set of Secondary Science Teaching Practices for English Learners. To be presented at the annual meeting of the National Association for Research in Science Teaching. Chicago, IL.
- Solis, J., Bunch, G., & Lyon, E.G. (April, 2015). “Approaching this new language together”: Views of language and literacy pedagogy of secondary novice science teachers. To be presented at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL.
- Lyon, E. G. (October, 2015). The Antibiotic Resistance of MRSA: Developing Supportive Science Learning and Language Development Opportunities for English Learners through NGSS and CCSS. Presented at the annual meeting of the California Science Teachers Association. Sacramento, CA